To give you the richest trial experience, you'll have access to all Professional Plan features for 30 days.
Now you can take advantage of the full power of Pharos—for free! If later you choose not to upgrade to a paid subscription, your account will convert to the Free plan automatically. No credit card is required.
Pharos is a native Salesforce app and is installed as a Salesforce package. The installation takes about 15 minutes, and you can choose whether to install in a sandbox or production environment.
Questions? We’re here to help. Start with the Evaluation Guide, which provides insights, tips and tricks on how to get started with Pharos.
You can also reach out to us at or take advantage of detailed documentation on the Pharos support site.
Here's to a bug-free org, and thank you!
The Pharos Team
Please note that our Master Subscription Agreement is available here.