Yes! Use our interactive Pharos Estimate Calculator to get a rough estimate of implementing Pharos in your org. It takes less than a minute, and the dynamic calculations mean you can run what-if scenarios to see which package makes sense for you.
Any user who is active in your Salesforce instance counts as a user for Pharos. For example, if your Salesforce contract is for 500 users, but only 437 are active, then we would only bill for the 437 users. User count is updated at each Pharos contract renewal.
Community users are steeply discounted. We take an average of the monthly (active) community users or logins. Salesforce provides for named community licenses as well as login-based community licenses. We charge 1 cent for a login-based license and 5 cents for a named community license. The total charges are capped depending on the plan. You can use the calculator to estimate what your pricing might be.
Our displayed pricing is the monthly amount. Contracts are billed annually. Discounts can be applied to two-year contracts.
Your plan will revert to the free option. If you choose to subscribe later, we will upgrade your free account to the level of your subscription. Of course, you can also uninstall Pharos at any time and go back to the bad old days.
We never see personally identifiable information. As a native app within Salesforce, Pharos works within the platform without ever touching or seeing your customer data or Salesforce records. Also, unlike other solutions, no customer data or records are ever transferred outside of your Salesforce org. We do see data related to the administration of the Pharos app, such as number of users and errors logged.
No, we do not require Salesforce Event Monitoring or Shield.
Yes! If you’re a 501(c)3 in the United States or the equivalent in your home country, we offer a 50% discount on the Growth plan (up to 500 users). Contact us for details.
We have a growing network of partners and different plans to suit your business situation. Pharos also now has "multi-org monitoring," meaning you can track multiple organizations - whether they be individual companies or multiple orgs within a company. A single master dashboard shows you an all-up view across the orgs, while drill-down dashboards let you look at each org separately and in more detail. Book a meeting and let's discuss how you can benefit from the Pharos Partner Program!